On-Line Air Ingress Monitor
Excessive air in-leakage and ineffective non-condensable gas removal can lead to condenser inefficiencies as great as 23%. One generator recently estimated the cost of air in-leakage on a 500 megawatt turbine as in excess of £1000 per mbar, per week. In addition to the increased generation costs, the man/hours taken to locate the source of the leak are a major concern.
Chell Instruments second generation A I M provides real time measurement of air ingress enabling trends to be picked up at an early stage, and relevant action taken. Once air in-leakage is detected comparison of the individual measured parameters under differing plant load conditions, with historical data and with other plant measurements is useful in indicating the most likely source.
Continuous output of all the measured parameters via 4-20 mA signals and the digital interface allows data logging, further analysis of the information, or integration into the plant management system.
- On-line monitor for improved turbine efficiency.
- Assists the diagnosis of tube fouling and air blanketing.
- Easy single point installation using averaging pitot tube.
- Five continuous 4-20 mA outputs.
- RS232 or RS485 interface.
- Aim Maintenance Kit now available so the AIM can be serviced on site.