Universal Spherical Dipole Source
THE UNIVERSAL SPHERICAL DIPOLE SOURCE (USDS) is an instrument that helps you maintain the integrity of your test environment (chamber or OATS).
Key Features
- Portable EMI Source for Quick Test Site Characterization and Site-to-Site Comparisons
- Horizontal and Vertical Polarizations
- Selectable Pulse Mode for Testing Quasi-Peak Detectors
- 10 MHz - 10 GHz Frequency Range
- Four Switch Selectable Fundamental Frequencies
-- 10 MHz
-- 64 MHz
-- 100 MHz
-- 133 MHz
- Minimum Output Level of 35 dBuV/m Over Most Frequencies in Most Test Environments
THE UNIVERSAL SPHERICAL DIPOLE SOURCE (USDS), is an instrument that helps you maintain the integrity of your test environment (chamber or OATS). It does this by allowing you to create a radiated emissions profles that can be compared with other profles made on a daily basis. Differences in profles can indicate changes occurring in the test environment that may affect the accuracy and repeatability of test results. For example, deteriorating cable shielding or weakening chamber seals may go unnoticed, but result in a loss of measurement integrity. By taking daily measurements with the USDS and comparing profle results, these changes become known and can be investigated and corrected.
Test environments can be characterized using complex published methods, but the USDS provides a quick, convenient method that makes daily measurement practical and affordable.
The USDS is a spherical dipole that radiates a broadband RF signal in a highly uniform radiation pattern. The RF signal is generated by a stable internal comb generator, and amplifed to create a highly repeatable RF source. The fundamental RF frequency is factory set a 10 MHz, but can be changed by the operator, using a four position rotary switch to select one of four clock frequencies. All electronics including a rechargeable power source (fve AAA Ni–MH batteries) are located within the spherical dipole. All controls and indicators are externally accessible and include LED indicator for On, Off and Pulse modes, Switch for On/Off modes switch for On, Off of the pulse function, rotary switch for selecting one of four fundamental frequencies.
- Test Environment Characterization: The USDS can be used for assessment of semi-anechoic chambers, shielded rooms and enclosures, open area test sites, GTEMs, and complex RF test environments.
- Site Comparisons: Companies with multiple labs will appreciate that the USDS can be used to make site-to-site comparison. Comparisons can all be made between different environment types, GTEM to chamber for example.
- Shielding Effectiveness Testing: The compact 10 cm diameter of the radiating element allows the USDS to be used in small enclosures.