Synenergy Laser Power & Energy Measurement Systems
Vector S310
Boasting a large backlit display, the S310 is the newest and most versatile Synenergy readout. It is the first Synenergy meter that is capable of handling the Ultra high power detectors as well as any Astral calorimeter or Vector pyroelectric detector. In addition, the S310 possesses a unique user selectable analog display which contains two separate analog scales. These separate analog scales make laser tuning an easy task with no possibility of scale misinterpretation. Or you may choose the S310D which is the digital only version of the S310. Both of these indicators contain a distinct internal calibration mode. Just turn on the meter and an internal recalibration automatically occurs ensuring the most accurate readings possible. With the S310, you can calibrate pyroelectric detectors using the optical transfer calibration mode with a laser, a calibration transfer standard, and a beam splitter. This procedure yields a power calibration standard which is then entered manually. Both the S310 and S310D can be connected to all of the Astral, Vector, and Ultra detectors and contain 14 selectable ranges from 3.000 µJ or µW to 30.00 J or 150.0 W full scale depending on the detector being used.
Extended capabilities of the S310 include a powerful conversion feature. Multipliers as fine as 0.0001 and as large as 9999 can be entered into memory and then applied to the reading in order to yield a converted displayed value. This is particularly useful when using beam attenuators. Another commanding trait is the group configuration feature. This handy tool gives you the ability to save four different detector settings into the S310's internal memory. Each detector setup includes indicator configurations and communication options desired for different detector operations. Any of the four setups can be recalled at the touch of a button, making detector changeovers a snap.