Egg Analyzer
The Egg AnalyzerTM was introduced in 2006 to answerthe need for consistent, accurate, objective
egg-quality testing.
Results of traditional methods are more subjective and open to inconsistent results.
The Egg AnalyzerTM uses cutting edge technology to measure the egg¡¯s weight, albumen height
and yolk color and automatically calculates the Haugh unit in just 17 seconds. (Patent Pending)
1. An electronic scale measures the egg¡¯s weight
2. Ultrasound sensors measure the albumen height and yolk color without touching the egg
3. Automatically calculates and classifies the Haugh unit
4. Displays and prints measured values and calculated values
5. High measurement accuracy
6. Constantly stable measurement, not dependant on individual operators
7. Shortens the measurement time to approx.17 seconds per set
8. Proprietary software works with an external PC and allows:
> Enhanced data storage and retrieval
> Advanced data processing
> Superior printing option